S2E96: Water Cooler Chats: Pure O: Can Obsessions Exist Without Compulsions in OCD?

Join your host, Nicole Morris, LMFT and Mental Health Correspondent, as she discussed Pure O! This controversial subtype has been discussed for many years, but what is it? Does it exist? And no matter what, what can be done to help? Come join us at the Water Cooler, fam, for quenchers like this all summer long!

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Hey, fam! I’m away on vacation, and as it turns out? The internet hasn’t been great. But I will be updating citations and source info as soon as I’m back in the office. Thanks for hanging out! And be sure to check back real soon or email me if you have any further questions or concerns.



S2E97: Water Cooler Chats: Is I-CBT Just Glorified Rumination?


S2E95: Water Cooler Chats: The Ultimate Guide To Finding An OCD Therapist